Below you should find enough resources to keep you going, get you going, or at least make you think about going. 😉

a run plan:

If you want to sign up for monthly online training you can do this here. Just send me a message so we can make a plan:

I personally am going to focus more on pilates and running for a while. Here’s a good yoga/pilates videos I did the other day. I may film something like this myself:

I’m going to leave a few of my favorite workouts from the past few weeks here as well so you can come back if you need a reminder of things to do. Use the side arrows to flip through:

Here’s a link to my full youtube channel:


***Scroll all the way to the bottom, I added some of my favorite product links.

Things to keep:

  • Run or walk 1 mile everyday. Text me when complete for points!
  • Shop for healthy foods from diet plan! (see below) Let me know = points!
  • Text me with any questions — anytime!

POINTS! Earn points by showing up (1pt), by running/walking everyday (1pt/day), by achieving personal goals (up to 5 points), or by doing anything that makes Katie extra happy. (I can be bought.😂😉)

***LEADER(s)*** is/are highlighted! 1st, 2nd, 3rd

T.W.174 + 15 workouts/miles/diet = 189
G.S.48 + 4 workouts = 52
K.C.91 + 4 workouts/run = 95
L.M.89 + 12 miles/diet/squats = 101
M.H.121 + 15 workouts/miles/diet = 135
R.M.121 + 8 workout/miles = 129
J.C.38 + 3 workouts = 41
T.T.85 + 3 making a plan = 88
L.P.50 + 4 workouts = 54
M.D.48 + 4 run = 52
A.H.35 + 8 workouts/miles = 43
A.W.138 + 50 half-marathon = 188
C.M.41 + 8 workouts/making a plan = 49
J.N.40 + 4 workouts = 44
T.H.77 + 50 half-marathon = 127
K.H.87 + 20 diet/cycle/running = 107
J.W.50 + 10 miles = 60
J.M.151 + 12 workouts/miles/diet = 163
P.M.114 + 10 workouts = 124

This is a diet plan my doctor shared with me. You will need to consult your doctor to make sure it’s a good plan for you. I am not a nutritionist or a dietician — this is simply regurgitated information.

I like buying 2 days worth of diet food at a time. Stocking up the first time is a little bit expensive, but as many of the foods repeat it gets cheaper as you go. Here’s some shopping lists to help:

Exercise of the Week:

Full Body workout you can do anywhere:

Hip stretches all-y’all need:






Links for other resources:

My youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Z093ifKNi2pFvTW97O3ag

Youtube HIIT workouts I like: https://www.youtube.com/@growingannanas

Youtube yoga I like: https://www.youtube.com/@yogawithtim

I use myfitnesspal to track calories: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/


I like this brand for protein/meal replacement shakes

Water bottles with time markers

Running water bottle I use

The shoes I wear (for over-pronation)

I love Lululemon leggings but I’ve heard the Amazon dupes are good

Yoga mat

Exercise bands like what I have… but I’d like to try these: https://amzn.to/3RNFG51 These are on my wishlist as well.

IF I WERE GOING TO BUY MYSELF A NEW PAIR OF GYM SHOES I WOULD BUY THESE: https://www.altrarunning.com/shop/women#facet=ads_f78004_ntk_cs%253A%2522Gym%2B%2526%2BTraining%2522&beginIndex=0

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